Rambut a.k.a Hair

I have decided to change the font colour because I am bored of the previous colour.
I believe my co-blogger has explained to you all why she can't blog these few days.
Kindly forgive her as she has been very busy currently.
It's okay,you still have me to entertain you.
I shall write something about myself today.
This is my 3rd post in a day's time.
hohoho..I memang pro blogger.

Look at this hairstyle, nice boh??
I want this kind of rambut,
but I ain't got MONEY.
$$$matters most.haih...
Anyway,I think this woman is the celebrity with scandals of her  having a young bf when she actually has a kid.
And,currently undergoing divorce dgn husbandnya yang juga celebrity,
for you information.

I hate this kind of hair, it's so lifeless.
It's like placing a mop on someone's head.
But a lot of girls nowadays like to straighten their hair,
this shows people in this century(except the 1%) has low taste.

My personal favourite,
BOB haircut.
Cute leh??xpxp

I fancy rich curls too..looks SEXY.

But not to this extent..
This looks like someone who just ran out from an area being bombed.
Sorry,Halle Berry.

Hey dude,I bet you are embarassed with such hair.

This looks like lawyer punya rambut.
There,the thing they wear in court..
The fucking ugly thing.
But this model quite hot. 0.0

Random girl,
Gossip Girls


Unknown said...

keren modelnya
Model Rambut

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