Life is Unfair, Very...

Today isn't a good day for me,
everything is about sui-ness.
I drove to my useless uni for nothing,
except the fact that I wasted my car petrol and my money for the toll.
Class was cancelled with a note on that damn ciplak door,
"Class cancelled.Lecturer on medical leave."
Tq very much for informing me in such conventional way,
when you people just know the existence of pen and paper.
I just wanna say,
Yesh, I lau IMU.

Anyway, why is life so unfair??
Because I saw 3 dogs sitting in a Toyota Harrier.
1 of the dogs not naked summor,
the owner had just became a driver for 3 dogs
She dropped them at the playground,leaving them to enjoy themselves.
And my poor life has never qualified me to sit in a Harrier.
Kesian me, I am incomparable to that 3dogs.
I am back to me emoness.

I don't fancy Harriers anymore.

Call me the Emo girl,
Gossip Girls


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