I Lau You

Hello dear readers,
This is the co-blogger mentioned so very often in the posts below.
Miss me?

I shall continue the rant on our IMU lecturers.

I really had a good laugh at Ms Wong (as mentioned in the post below).
However, since my co-blogger has already told you as much as you need to know, I shall continue with the other lecturers.

First off..SC, our behavioural science lecturer.
He was lecturing us on sex, and he kept using the word love.
Only he didn't pronounce it as luv, he pronounced it lau.
Say it with me.
I lau you.

And our Sri Lankan anatomy lecturer who says com-pear, not compare.

And our Burmese lecturers...one who thinks hes fluent in English and rattles off everything so fast that it all sound like a stream of gibberish.
And the other one who is so completely inadequate at language that it takes him a whole ten minutes to form ONE sentence in English.

One thing they all have in common, and this includes ALL the other lecturers unmentioned,
is that they all try to mimic either the UK or the American accent.
And sound so bloody fake in their attempts at it too.

A piece of advice to IMU admin,
if you're so into this being an English speaking campus, how 'bout you get us lecturers who can speak a form of English we understand?

Completely fed up,
Gossip Girls


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