
Nowadays, we always have poor quality lecturers.
I always have lousy lecturers.
My co-blogger and I spent our precious 1 hour laughing at the lecturer,
We made the lecture interesting ourselves.
I shall call this lecturer Ms. W.
She's talking about some drugs la,
which I don't bother.

I think she's trying very hard to pronounce every single word,
at the same time,
she's trying to speak her Engrish fluently.
This results in a very irregular pattern of her vocal tone.
And of course,
some gila basic grammar errors and her weird pronounciation.

I was semi-conscious in the lecture theatre,
until I heard multiFUCKtorial~
Aiyo,bless Ms. W~
Then, she said "You have to worried".
I think she's the one who has to WORRIED  about her engrish.

Later,she said," You have to be really,really,really CAUTION."
wOW,we really gotta be CAUTION with your multiFUCKtorial.
Oo,she did say "pregnancy lady".

Ms. W was telling us about "renal" excrete urine.
My co-blogger was like "renal"??
So, all of us have two RENALS,rmb,not kidneys.
Finally,do you have THE QUESTIEN to ask??
we laughed like giler,
my co-blogger punya uterus nearly fell out.

and someone came in and interrupted our class,
that random fella was looking for my batch punya orang la~
dunno 4what random reason.
Then, before the random fella left,
he said "thank you,PROFESSOR!!"
OMG,dis woman not even professor la~
pharmacist I think..
The kraziest part,this woman damn syok sendiri,
she started smiling 2herself,
the biggest smile I have ever seen in my life,
bagai bunga yang mekar..
Can stuff 1 whale into her mouth sudah.
She was so excited and can't stop smiling to herself.
Bloody pervert~

Oh, havn't finish story yet,
at the end of every slide,
she will say "tsk".
My co-blogger was like,"Mouse click or what?"
I think that's the sign of her expressing her satisfaction after finish reading each slide.

Aiya...we should have recorded whatever she said,
and complain to the uni,
ask them for refund,
increase fees lagi...
Nevermind,there's always 2nd chance.

Making fun of Ms.W,
Gossip Girls


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