BORED at uni

I am BORED, s usual~
My co-blogger is now sitting beside me,
chatting with her high school frenz,
the icy snake and Miss Lil Sunshine...
And I decide to blog....
Hmm,what shud i blog about??
I am bored,Bored,BORED!!!
hMM...n BORED!!
This is da most moliu post ever...
Sorry readers if I bore you,
anyway,there are no readers for this blog,
which is sad,Sad,and SAD!!
I know it's damn annoying to repeat the same word again and again...
I learnt this from the other girl bloggers...
Suddenly I hate girls...
4give my sexism against my own sex..
I shall go now...
And rest in peace.

Boredom strikes me,
Gossip Girls :(

Sick of emo bloggers

Ever wonder what is a blog for??
To bitch about people??Maybe.
To make yourself feel better??Yesh.
To share you stories with people??Of course.
To cherish people??Definitely.

I have been wondering all these while why people blog.
I blog for a reason : to write random stuff and share it will u readers.
Recently,I do notice that not everyone think the same as me.
tak de sam leng siong tong(dis phrase is meant for miss pinkie)

I find people misusing their own blogs,
of course,
I have no right to stop them,
because it's not my blog.

I am sick of emo posts.
Can u damn people write all those emo stuff down in ur diary??
What's the point of posting all ur emo stories up on a blog??
And make the readers,
especially cheerful people like me,
Damn all of you,
Stop writing rubbish,
just restrict your blog if you are using your blog merely to express ur emoness.

Do not torture cheerful people like me.

I hate typical EMO girls,
Gossip girls X.X

My Love

You listen to me crying when I face hardships in life..
You let me lean on your shoulders when I am depressed.
You accompany me when I am lonely.
You let me bury my head into your chest when I am afraid.
You let me punch you to release my anger.
However, I only get to spend my time with you at night.
Recently, I noticed that I have neglected you.
I just want to say;"I am sorry,I didn't mean to hurt you."

Thinking of those happy times we had together,
I seriously felt great remorse.
You were always here for me,
to share my burden,
to make me happy.
And what I did was isolating you.

When you were on top of me,
I felt no pressure.
You were so soft and gentle.

Unlike other men,
you do not yell at me.
You just kept quiet when I threw my temper at you.

I won't be able to find a second you in this world.
I just wanna say,
I love you,DITO.
a.k.a.My True Love
I love DITO,
Gossip Girls.

Spotted : Flirting with friend's ex?

Introducing : Three new characters
a) Lil' Miss Sunshine
b) Lil' Miss Perfect
C) The Slut (or the asshole ex-boyfriend, if you will)
Way back in '07, Lil' Miss Sunshine, Lil' Miss Perfect and The Slut's ex-gf were all really good friends.
But we've heard recently that both the Lil's Miss-es hadn't taken that much of a liking to each other. They had just been tolerating each other for the sake of the ex.
At some point, the ex, started dating The Slut. (thats how she became the ex)
Now The Slut wasn't slutty once he was in a relationship, so they got along pretty well. Including the parts where he tolerated those two stooges, but never really bothered being nice to them.

We'll spare you the details of the love story. They bore us anyway.
E.g. They went out, he cheated, they broke up, they went out again, they broke up get the picture.


Recently the slut has gone to a land across the sea...and let me hear you guess who's already in that land across the sea??
Lil' Miss Sunshineee.
And what does she do the moment The Slut arrives??
Why she throws herself all over him of course! She drags him out partying (not that he would need much of an incentive for that anyway), dirty dances all over him...
....wait a minute, wasn't he her BEST FRIEND'S EX?
And, the darling darling girl just throws it in her friend's face by flirting with the guy all over facebook and spilling juicy details on her blog.
Oooh....don't we just love all that bitchiness.

Now, have we mentioned that Lil' Miss Perfect does not like Lil' Miss Sunshine?
No surree, she does not. So once she finds out that Lil' Miss Sunshine is all over The Slut, what does she do?
Does she run to their friend and tell her?
Noooooo. She goes all out for him too! SMS-es, lengthy emails...all the way from a not so far away land, also across the sea. Oh the dedication, the just warms the cockles of our heart.

Where do we fit in in all this?
That's a secret we'll never tell.

Gossip Girls


I bet all of you have watched cartoons before....If you have not, TOO BAD,U JAKUN!!
I am gonna intro an excellent cartoon to you all.
By the way, it's on show every sunday 10 a.m.,
if I am not wrong.
-Cartoon of The century-
It's just some kid's stories, just that this kid can transform to 10 creatures that was set in his
Wait, there's a name for it.
HMMM....i dun rmb.
ooooooh,my friend just told me. It is an OMNITRIX.(sounds cool rite?)
Anyway, rating for this cartoon series: 8/10
Seriously not bad, the character thou small kid, but hotter den any ciplak anime.
The most important thing he can TRANSFORM  into ugly monsters.
How great is that,I wish I can do that too,but better looks this time . =0 =0
And  he is some mischevious lil boy, he's a bad boy.
And I fucking like bad boys. xoxo
This is RUBBISH!!
yes, they should send this movie straight UP to hell.(Who says hell must be underground??)
This movie is torturing, and I definitely do not know how the hell it becomes the best cartoon movie of the year.
I think the low-taste population has been increasing recently,
people are affected by the economy recession,
I understand that.
This movie sux like shit.
And gals from my uni said,
"Oh, it's nice!!"
"Oh, it's touching!!"
ewwww plz....
you all have no taste...
Watching this bloody stupid movie is a total waste of time.
It is pointless!!!
For those who do not agree with me,
awwww....too bad,
this blog is mine,
not URS!!!BLEH~
Rating: 0/0
It doesn't even qualify for rating.
U bad,bad movie.
I hate UP,
Gossip Girls

Long-Lost Twins

I call him DUMB-ledore.
 He's showing off his kungfu skills ere.
Mantis-style,pengikut Bruce Lee...
LAME,sry 4da bad joke.
For all of you who doesn't know who is this,
mari saya perkenalkan.
Malaysia's own pirated version of DUMB-ledore.
Prof. A. Samad Said.
They both look alike rite??
Look at their beardSS and hair, exactly same length.
Both DUMB-ledoreSs pakai songkok.
Both also got literature blood.
Both read books when they have nothing better to do.(NERDS!!)
My conclusion: They must be some long lost twins.
I know you want a piece of me,
Gossip Girls

The Hot and The Not

-Henry Golding-
CLEO hottest bachelor of year 2009!!!
I dah sesak nafas pertama kali nampak dia kat 8tv Quickie.
 AH AH AH~I dah mau pengsan. This 21 year old dude just made me fall in love with him.
No wonder Singapore wants him...
Actually I want him too..xoxo.
Anak Malaysia yang terlampau sempurna,way better than my uni fellas.Dun believe??
LOOK at dis....this is exactly how my uni fellas look like..All standarized level of ugliness.
please do feel sad for me..tq.
Living in despair,
Gossip girls.

The infamous untold love story

Ever wonder what are the interesting contents for this post?? We are gonnna blurt out some secrets here...Stay tuned, readers. *deng deng deng deng* I am gonna intro to you the two main characters of an INFAMOUS love story today. Let us welcome TFOTC, u must be asking who is this?? Good question, let me make myself  clear. TFOTC is also known as a The Flirt of The Century. She's just some ugly bitch, writing about her here may spoil the atmosphere a little, but it's ok, who doesn't make mistakes??We all should forgive her for one second. Straight to our second character, TMSC, interesting name, don't you all thnk so?? We call him The Mysterious Secret-Collector...For now, we are done with introduction..Now it's STORY TIME!!Their relationship has been carried out underground without people knowing, we just gotta say they are simply unfortunate, because nothing in this world can escape our eyes. 

TFOTC always think that she has extremely good fashion sense, when she's actually a best example of fashion disaster. She bought white blue stripes' top which actually looks like some old woman's towel, it doesn't even qualify as a towel..Besides that, her makeup skills sux like hell. She smudged the whole black eyeshadow over her eyelids, which make her look like a so-not-hot vampire. And, wearing the siren red lipstick makes her look like a clown..Girl, I think you shall stop wearing clothes anymore, since you can get the attention you want, and stop the torture for poor US. Just like her name, The Flirt of The Century, she likes flirting with  guys. There's something that we wish to tell her here, all the guys whom u flirt with can be summarized in just one word, HIDEOUS...Just like TMSC. TMSC always have a thing for TFOTC..He always give her the love she wants, simply because he knows no other   girls in his world would want him.

Now you see, Ms TFOTC wouldn't really bother us if she didn't quite stick her misshapen nose into our lives so often. We really couldn't care less about blue towels and horrible eye make up.
You see, what really get us is the way she looks down aforesaid nose at everything and insults everybody.
She makes stupid snide comments and lies ALL the time. Do you seriously think we were born yesterday??
How dare she insult us and call us names to our face and bitch about us to other people in front of us?!
Darling, there's a concept called bitch behind people's backs...learn it! Take it from us, it is what we excel at.

And TMSC. Goodness. His entire personality can be summed up in ONE word. 
Let me describe him to you. Short. Slightly pudgy. Has really sepet eyes with incredibly thick eyelashes which gives off the appearance of wearing mascara.
Now, mascara was sexy on Adam Lambert, but babes...TMSC ain't nowhere near Lambert-dom.
AND he steals our chocolate!
W. T. F?
And blimey, hes better than us at collecting gossip. He seems to know everything about everyone...and he doesn't tell, unless its for blackmail purposes. The weasel! So be careful who you tell your next secret to...what if its him?

Now the crux of the story.
TFOTC has had a steady boyfriend (TMSC's best friend, if you must know) for awhile now. Long story short, recently he talked about marriage, she freaked out. He got dumped.
Oh, the romance of it all!
The dude asked you to marry him...and less than two months later you're hitting on his best friend?
Smooth move.
Would you date your best-friend's ex?

And we, we poor souls at IMU (a.k.a Idiotic Menaces United), have to bear with their gooey mushy lovey dovey-ness everyday during class.
They share their ipods, they share OUR chocolate, they share...everything?
How keeee-yewt. not.
Excuse us while we barf please.

And for the record, this is just introducing them to you.
Stay tuned, and remember those names! because we will be back.
With more dirt.
on Gossip Girls.

xoxo. ;)


Yoohoo,this is gonna be our first ever post on this blog..hmm,let's start with some short introduction here. We are the GOSSIP GIRLS of the century.How about revealing our real identities? Of course not, simply because this is a bitch blog to bitch about people, whom we find them annoying...Oh,and of course,hot ppl are meant for us to appreciate.Therefore, an appreciation of all these hot people will not be missed out in this blog. We, dubbed as the "Gossip Girls",will always be here to entertain you all with  juicy GOSSIPS, besides the search for justice.