I am going crazy...
What's wrong with those people??
I have had sleepless nights..
How am I gonna sleep with fireworks buat bising in the air every night??
OMG, you people can burn your own houses and I don't care.
But plz don't disturb me.
Dahla I mood tak baik,
u people pulak create noise in the air...
This is so sound pollution.
If this is how Deepavali supposed to be,
I rather there is no Deepavali.
Life is so miserable for me these few days.
Even now, I still can hear fireworks punya sound.
And,to all the adil, bersih dan cekap abang polis,
do something plz,
police station is just opposite my area,
takkan tak boleh dengar??
cekap lagi~
Sila tangkap kesemua orang yang langgar undang-undang Malaysia yang luhur dan mulia ini.
What did I do in the past life??
Kindly leave me in peace.
AIYO..i freaking geram now.
While I blog,still can hear fireworks in the background.

Fireworks can be pretty, yet annoying and devastating.

I can't take it anymore,
Gossip Girls


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